Yogveda Yoga Teacher Training 2020
October 2020
Yogveda Yoga is a new and a effective Yoga method that was developed by Shahid Khan. Shahid Khan was born in Mumbai, India, he was a long time student of the Iyengar Yoga family in Pune.
Yogveda Yoga is a new and the only Yoga method in the world that uses a patented yoga mat “The Yoga Mat” (www.theyogamat.com) desgined by Shahid Khan to get perfection in yoga postures and body. Body is a construction, all constructions need right mesurements and angles to be straight and balanced, for example a house or a buliding. It is the same with our body. All Yoga methods teach Yoga Asanas “posture” and Pranayama “energy and breath regulation”, but if our body is not correct or evenly balanced, if the feet are imbalanced, the joints, the leg bones, the hip alignment, the spine, the shoulder joint opening or the head alignment to the feet and gravity are also imbalanced, your body and your Yoga postures cannot be correct. In the Yogveda Yoga system with the help of “The Yoga Mat” the total correction of the body starts from feet first.
In his years of teaching experience Shahid Khan has seen that if the body is not aligned, Yoga postures cannot be practiced as desired and the effects of the postures are not optimum. Even years of Yoga practice do not change the difficulties of a misaligned body.
Yogveda Yoga is a precis, accurate and a effective yoga method for changing the body through Yoga asanas.
The teaher training has an intensive teaching practice to make sure that the participants have a thorough knowledge of Yoga anatomy and correction and are confident in practical teaching and understanding of the body. The Yogveda Yoga Teacher Training is in english. For more information mail at info@yogveda.ch
Asanas and Pranayama of Yogveda Yoga
Yoga asana and pranayama anatomy
Pr inciples of Ayurveda as the «Doshas», «Dhatus», «Gunas» «Koshas». Principles of Samkhya philosophy
Chakras and Psychology
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, inertpretation by Shahid Khan
Professional Yoga Teachers Package for Teacher Training
1 Maha Maya yoga mat by The Yoga Mat
1 Feet Up chair
1 small Yogveda Yoga strap
1 big Yogveda Yoga strap
1 Yogveda Yoga shoulder openening strap
1 Yogveda Yoga feet opener set
1 Pranayama bridge
4 Pranayama weights
1 Anatomy book
1 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
100 chf voucher on any workshop in the year
The Professional Teachers package worth 1000 chf is included in the price of the Teacher Training
The price of the Yogveda Yoga Teacher Training is 6000 chf.
Contact and regester for the Teacher Training at info@yogveda.ch